Mari Takenouchi, a journalist and the blogger of Save Kids Japan & World Known as a Japanese single-mother journalist covered by Reporters Without Borders in 2014 on the criminal accusation case for a tweet. My twitter account is @mariscontact (under control and rarely gets retweeted) To order a new book by Mari Takenouchi and Dr. Bandazhevsky, send me an e-mail at Twitter: @mariscontact 私の主なブログは以下です!!ご覧ください!!! See my blogs below!! ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓




Is Japan's Elite Hiding a Weapons Program Inside Nuclear Plants?Secret Weapons Program Inside Fukushima Nuclear Plant?US-Japan security treaty fatally delayed nuclear workers' fight against meltdown
New America Media, News Analysis, Yoichi Shimatsu, Posted: Apr06, 2011
Confused and often conflicting reports out of Fukushima 1 nuclearplant cannot be solely the result of tsunami-caused breakdowns,bungling or miscommunication. Inexplicable delays and half-baked explanations from Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) seem to be driven by some unspoken factor.
福島第一原発から出て来る、混乱した、時には矛盾した報告は、津波によって引き起こされた崩壊不手際、コミュニケーションの混乱の結果のみとは思えない。東電(TEPCO,Tokyo Electric Power Company)と経済産業省(METI,Ministry of Economy ,Trade and Industry)の、不可解な遅れと生煮えな説明は、何か語られない要因によって動かされているように見える。
The smoke and mirrors at Fukushima 1 seem to obscure a steady purpose, an iron will and a grim task unknown to outsiders. The most logical explanation: The nuclear industry and government agencies are scrambling to prevent the discovery of atomic-bomb research facilities hidden inside Japan's civilian nuclear power plants.
A secret nuclear weapons program is a ghost in the machine, detectable only when the system of information control momentarily lapses or breaks down. A close look must be taken at the gap between the official account and unexpected events.
Conflicting Reports食い違う報告
TEPCO, Japan’s nuclear power operator, initially reported three reactors were operating at the time of the March 11 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. Then a hydrogen explosion ripped Unit 3, run on plutonium-uranium mixed oxide (or MOX). Unit 6 immediately disappeared from the list of operational reactors, as highly lethal particles of plutonium billowed out of Unit 3. Plutonium is the stuff of smaller, more easily delivered warheads.
A fire ignited inside the damaged housing of the Unit 4 reactor, reportedly due to overheating of spent uranium fuel rods in a dry cooling pool. But the size of the fire indicates that this reactor was running hot for some purpose other than electricity generation. Its omission from the list of electricity-generating operations raises the question of whether Unit 4 was being used to enrich uranium, the first step of the process leading to extraction of weapons-grade fissionable material.
The bloom of irradiated seawater across the Pacific comprises another piece of the puzzle, because its underground source is untraceable (or, perhaps, unmentionable).The flooded labyrinth of pipes, where the bodies of two missing nuclear workersnever before disclosed to the press were found, could well contain the answer to the mystery: a lab that none dare name.
の情報追跡なので(すなわそらく、に出せない)、太平洋って照射された海水は、もうパズルの一となる。水浸しになったパイプランの迷路は、 そこにの原発労働者の遺体が見かった これまで報にはせられていたの十分ステリーのえを含んでいるであう:それは、があえてけようとしない研究施設といことである。
Political Warfare的な戦
In reaction to Prime Minister Naoto Kan's demand for prompt reporting of problems,the pro-nuclear lobby has closed ranks, fencing off and freezing out the prime minister's office from vital information. A grand alliance of nuclear proponents now includes TEPCO, plant designer General Electric, METI, the former ruling Liberal Democratic Party and, by all signs, the White House.
管直人首相の、問題早急に報告せよとの要反応して、原子力のローは結め、て、生きた情報から首相官邸した。原子力推進者た巨大連盟は、今や電力、原子設計者の GEジェネラルレクトリック社)、通商産業省をみ、者はし、あら兆候から、ホワイ支配しているのである。
Cabinet ministers in charge of communication and national emergencies recently lambasted METI head Banri Kaeda for acting as both nuclear promoter and regulator in charge of the now-muzzled Nuclear and Industrial Safety Commission. TEPCO struck back quickly, blaming the prime minister's helicopter fly-over for delaying venting of volatile gases and thereby causing a blast at Reactor 2. For "health reasons, TEPCO 's president retreated to a hospital ward, cutting Kan's line of communication with the company and undermining his site visit to Fukushima 1.
通信国家非常任にある内大臣は、最、産業経済省大臣海江田万里を、沈黙している原子力安全委員会任者として、原子力推進規制両方演じたとしてけた。東電は、首相リコプ視察性ガスントを遅らせ、2 機の爆発の原因となったとめて、速やかに打ち返した。”健康上の理由”から、東電の社長病室に引きこもり、管首相会社へのコミニュケーションランを切断し、首相の福島第一原発訪問伏線なった。
Kan is furthered hampered by his feud with Democratic Party rival Ichiro Ozawa, theonly potential ally with the clout to challenge the formidable pro-nuclear coalition
The head of the Liberal Democrats, which sponsored nuclear power under its nearly54-year tenure, has just held confidential talks with U.S. Ambassador John Roos, while President Barack Obama was making statements in support of new nuclear plants across the U.S.
Cut Off From Communicationsコミニュケーションの切断
The substance of undisclosed talks between Tokyo and Washington can be surmisedfrom disruptions to my recent phone calls to a Japanese journalist colleague. While inside the radioactive hot zone, his roaming number was disconnected, along with the mobiles of nuclear workers at Fukushima 1 who are denied phone access to the outside world. The service suspension is not due to design flaws. When helping to prepare the Tohoku crisis response plan in 1996, my effort was directed at ensuring that mobile base stations have back-up power with fast recharge.
シントン間の公開の要は、最の、の日本のャートの同僚への電されたことより推測することができる。放射線区域内にいる間、福島第一原発の労働者が携帯で外部かけることが否定されていることにえて、のローミングビス号へながらなかった。通話止は設計の点によるものではない。1996 の東北地対応プランにえるため、通信急速電のップ電えることをなものにするよう力をいできた。
A subsequent phone call when my colleague returned to Tokyo went dead when I mentioned "GE. That incident occurred on the day that GE’s CEO Jeff Immelt landed in Tokyo with a pledge to rebuild the Fukushima 1 nuclear plant. Such apparent eavesdropping is only possible if national phone carrier NTT is cooperating with the signals-intercepts program of the U.S. National Security Agency(NSA).
同僚が東った時、そのく電は、GE言及するとれてしまった。その出来事は、GE CEO ジェ・イメルトが福島第一原発のえて、東着陸した日に起こった。このようなあからさまな盗聴は、の電伝送 NTT が、米NSA, NationalSecurity Agency)の信号横取りプログラムと力した時のみ、可なのである。
The Manchurian Deal満州協
The chain of events behind this vast fabrication goes back many decades.
During the Japanese militarist occupation of northeast China in the 1930s, the puppet state of Manchukuo was carved out as a fully modern economic powerhouse to support overpopulated Japan and its military machine. A high-ranking economic planner named Nobusuke Kishi worked closely with then commander of the occupying Kanto division, known to the Chinese as the Kwantung Army, General Hideki Tojo.
1930 に、日本の国主者たが中東北地している間、傀儡国家満州は、日本の人口軍組織えるために、すっかり現代的な経済的発電所としてされた。というの経済は、中国人にはーミーとしてられる関東揮官、東条英樹将軍と密に働いた。
Close ties between the military and colonial economists led to stunning technological achievements, including the prototype of a bullet train (or Shinkansen) and inception of Japan's atomic bomb project in northern Korea. WhenTojo became Japan's wartime prime minister, Kishi served as his minister of commerce and economy, planning for total war on a global scale.民地経済者の密な結きは、丸列車の原(すなわち新)と、北朝鮮での日本の原爆開発計画の発、気のくなるような技術達成いた。東が日本の戦時内首相となったとき、大臣してえ、世界的な規模での力戦の計画をった。
After Japan's defeat in 1945, both Tojo and Kishi were found guilty as Class-A war criminals, but Kishi evaded the gallows for reasons unknownprobably his usefulness to a war-ravaged nation. The scrawny economist’s conception of a centrally managed economy provided the blueprint for MITI (Ministry of International Trade and Industry), the predecessor of METI, which created the economic miracle that transformed postwar Japan into an economic superpower.
1945、日本の戦のあと、東有罪とされ A となったが、は、理はわからないが そらくは戦荒廃した国家とされたためであ れた。せこけた経済者の中支配的な経済想は、通商産業省(MITI、経産省の)に設計(blue print)けたが、それは戦日本を経済的なパワーに変身させるくりした。
After clawing his way into the good graces of Cold Warrior John Foster Dulles, Eisenhower's secretary of state, Kishi was elected prime minister in 1957. His protégé Yasuhiro Nakasone, the former naval officer and future prime minister, spearheaded Japan's campaign to become a nuclear power under the cover of the
Atomic Energy Basic Law.
American Complicityメリ共犯
Kishi secretly negotiated a deal with the White House to permit the U.S. military to store atomic bombs in Okinawa and Atsugi naval air station outside Tokyo. (Marine corporal Lee Harvey Oswald served as a guard inside Atsugi's underground warheadarmory.) In exchange, the U.S. gave the nod for Japan to pursue a "civilian" nuclear program.
Secret diplomacy was required due to the overwhelming sentiment of the Japanese public against nuclear power in the wake of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings. Two years ago, a text of the secret agreement was unearthed by Katsuya Okada, foreign minister in the cabinet of the first Democratic Party prime minister, Yukio Hatoyama (who served for nine months from 2009-10).
島、の原爆を想起する、日本圧倒的な情に考慮して、秘密の外要であった。2 年前2009)、民主党の初の鳩山紀夫2009から’10 9首相を務めた)の外務大臣克也によって、秘密の文書が明るみに出された。
Many key details were missing from this document, which had been locked inside the Foreign Ministry archives. Retired veteran diplomat Kazuhiko Togo disclosed that the more sensitive matters were contained in brief side letters, some of which were kept in a mansion frequented by Kishi's half-brother, the late Prime Minister Eisaku Sato (who served from 1964-72). Those most important diplomatic notes, Togo added, were removed and subsequently disappeared.
この文書は外務省内部の文書庫にしまいまれていたのが、要な部key details)はれていた。退職した、老練な外の東郷和彦氏は、より慎重いを要する事足文書まれていること、そのいくかは異母兄弟である故佐藤栄作(首相として 1964-72)がに出りしていた私邸にあったことを開した。これらの最も要な外交文書かれ、結果的に消したと、東えた。
These revelations were considered a major issue in Japan, yet were largely ignored by the Western media. With the Fukushima nuclear plant going up in smoke, the world is now paying the price of that journalistic neglect.
On his 1959 visit to Britain, Kishi was flown by military helicopter to the Bradwell nuclear plant in Essex. The following year, the first draft of the U.S.-Japan security was signed, despite massive peace protests in Tokyo. Within a couple of years, the British firm GEC built Japan's first nuclear reactor at Tokaimura, Ibaragi Prefecture. At the same time, just after the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, the newly unveiled Shinkansen train gliding past Mount Fuji provided the perfect rationale for nuclear-sourced electricity.
、東大規模抗議があったにも関わら、最初の安保草案された2 年以内に、会社 GEC が、日本の最初の原子茨城県海村設した。1964京オリンに、しく披露目した富士山過ぎたことが、原子力発電な論理的えた。
Kishi uttered the famous statement that "nuclear weapons are not expressly prohibited" under the postwar Constitution's Article 9 prohibiting war-making powers. His words were repeated two years ago by his grandson, then Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The ongoing North Korea "crisis" served as a pretext for this third-generation progeny of the political elite to float the idea of a nuclear-armed Japan. Many Japanese journalists and intelligence experts assume the secret program has sufficiently advanced for rapid assembly of a warhead arsenal and that underground tests at sub-critical levels have been conducted with small plutonium pellets.
は、戦することをた戦後憲法の第9条のもとで、核兵器は明止されているわけではないという明を発した。言葉は、2 年前(2009)であり、その時の首相の安倍晋三によってえされた。行中の北朝鮮が、この 3 世代の政的エリートの武装日本想をめるとして働いた。多数の日本のャートと知識専門は、秘密計画は弾頭兵器工場早急てを十分めたこと、そしてさなプルトニウムのットで臨界実験が行われたと推定している。
Sabotaging Alternative Energy代替えエルギー怠慢
The cynical attitude of the nuclear lobby extends far into the future, strangling at birth the Japanese archipelago's only viable source of alternative energyoffshore wind power. Despite decades of research, Japan has only 5 percent of the wind energy production of China, an economy (for the moment, anyway) of comparable size. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, a nuclear-power partner of Westinghouse, manufactures wind turbines but only for the export market.
核ローの冷笑的な態度は、日本の島の一の行可代替えエルギー 海上力発 を、その生の時にしながら、はるか来にがる。何十年にもわたる研究にも関わら、日本は、できる経済規模(とにかくのとこ)である中5%力発電しか生み出していない。三菱重工は、ウエステングの原子力のートーであるが、ンを製造しているものの、しかし、けある。The Siberian high-pressure zone ensures a strong and steady wind flow over northern Japan, but the region's utility companies have not taken advantage of this natural energy resource. The reason is that TEPCO, based in Tokyo and controlling the largest energy market, acts much as a shogun over the nine regional power companies and the national grid. Its deep pockets influence high bureaucrats, publishers and politicians like Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara, while nuclear ambitions keep the defense contractors and generals on its side. Yet TEPCO is not quite the top dog. Its senior partner in this mega-enterprise is Kishi's brainchild, METI.
The national test site for offshore wind is unfortunately not located in windswept Hokkaido or Niigata, but farther to the southeast, in Chiba Prefecture. Findings from these tests to decide the fate of wind energy won't be released until 2015. The sponsor of that slow-moving trial project is TEPCO.
Death of Deterrence
Meanwhile in 2009, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) issued a muted warning on Japan's heightened drive for a nuclear bomb and promptly did nothing. The White House has to turn a blind eye to the radiation streaming through American skies or risk exposure of a blatant double standard on nuclear proliferation by an ally. Besides, Washington's quiet approval for a Japanese bomb doesn't quite sit well with the memory of either Pearl Harbor or Hiroshima.
2009の間中、際原子力エルギー機(IAEA)は、日本のまる原爆願望に、告を出した しかし、即座には何もしなかった。ホワイ目の目を、メリ放射線光芒、すなわ、ある同盟国よる見えいた核拡散のダスタンダー暴露するに目をけなければならなくなった。その、日本の原爆の内密の解は、真珠湾島のらの記憶にも、くそわないのである。
In and of itself, a nuclear deterrence capability would be neither objectionable nor illegal in the unlikely event that the majority of Japanese voted in favor of a constitutional amendment to Article 9. Legalized possession would require safety inspections, strict controls and transparency of the sort that could have hastened theFukushima emergency response. Covert weapons development, in contrast, is rife with problems. In the event of an emergency, like the one happening at this moment, secrecy must be enforced at all cost even if it means countless more hibakusha, or nuclear victims.
本来自然に、多数の日本憲法9条改正するという、ありそうもない事いて、核の戦力は反対きものでも非合なものでもないであう。的な所は、安厳格なコントロール、福島の急反応めえたような要とするであ対照的に、秘密の核兵器開発は問題だらけになる。が生た時には、この時点で起こっているように、秘密にはあらるコトがいられる たとえそれはえきれない爆者、すなわ核の犠牲者を意味するとしても。
Instead of enabling a regional deterrence system and a return to great-power status, the Manchurian deal planted the time bombs now spewing radiation around the world. The nihilism at the heart of this nuclear threat to humanity lies not inside Fukushima 1, but within the national security mindset. The specter of self-destruction can be ended only with the abrogation of the U.S.-Japan security treaty, the root cause of the secrecy that fatally delayed the nuclear workers' fight against meltdown
Yoichi Shimatsu, a Hong Kongbased environmental writer, is the former editor of the Japan Times Weekly.
島津 一、香港点している環境問題のライター、・タイズ・リーの編集
翻訳佐藤太郎20152 17ップロー 2 18 修正注追加
サイトにすでに翻訳のあることを翻訳。一部その翻訳にいたしました。 ット貯蔵サイト) 5

1: 4機の使用済み核燃料プールはど無で、干上がっていない。 したがって、4機の爆発は、使用済み燃料のプルトニウムが爆発したのではない。
2:痩せこけたエコノミストというのは右写真か。 アメリカに逮捕され収監され、このように扱われたら アメリカの言う事を聞かざるをえなくなるだろう。
1: 1 機の壊れは、水素爆発とえて矛盾はないと思う。 機、4号機の破壊のは、1のコンリートでいる点で同じである。 このようなの破壊は、水素爆発のエルギーでは説明できない。 4機は、4階しい爆発が起こったように見える。 機は発生から日目、4号機は日目に爆発する。 機こそ、使用済み核燃料プールが干上がり、集積していた使用燃料が崩れて 爆発した可能性きい。 4号機は爆発にいたる経えるのがしい。 プルトニウムにはがあり、ここで問題にするのはである。 プルトニウム 240 非常に爆発しすく、いがしく、核弾頭には使い。 弾頭使われるのはプルトニウムである。 兵器プルトニウムというのは、プルトニウム 239 94以上のものをいう。
原発の使用済み核燃料のプルトニウムには、240 まれ、核弾頭には使えない。

兵器プルトニウムは、ウランに時間中子をてることでられる。 4機の内を臨界にし、そこにウランを時間くことで、 兵器プルトニウムを製造していたとわれる。 んじのような高速も稼働すれば、のプルトニウムられる。