
(西尾正道・北海道がんセンター院長) (Nishio Masamichi, Director, Hokkaido Cancer Center) による難病データ
「今後、奇形児が生まれたり、がんが増えたり、そういうことは確実に起こります。」 "In the future, birth defects, increased cancer, etc are sure to happen."
疾患名 Disease name | April 2010~ March 2011 増加数 Increased number | 件数 Number | April 2011~ March 2012増加数 Increased number | 件数 Number | ||||
ベーチェット病 Behcet's disease | -403 | 17,290 | 1,161 | 18,451 | ||||
多発性硬化症 Multiple sclerosis | 265 | 14,492 | 1,648 | 16,140 | ||||
重症筋無力症 Myasthenia gravis | 189 | 17,314 | 1,695 | 19,009 | ||||
全身性エリテマトーデス Systemic lupus erythematosus | -999 | 56,254 | 3,299 | 59,553 | ||||
スモン SMON | -128 | 1,628 | -20 | 1,608 | ||||
再生不良性貧血 Aplastic anemia | -62 | 9,417 | 731 | 10,148 | ||||
サルコイドーシス Sarcoidosis | 118 | 20,268 | 1,893 | 22,161 | ||||
筋萎縮性側索硬化症 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis | -86 | 8,406 | 586 | 8,992 | ||||
強皮症、皮膚筋炎及び多発性筋炎 Scleroderma, polymyositis and dermatomyositis | 585 | 42,233 | 3,600 | 45,833 | ||||
特発性血小板減少性紫斑病 Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura | -633 | 22,220 | 1,571 | 23,791 | ||||
結節性動脈周囲炎 Periarteritis nodosa | 415 | 7,600 | 1,328 | 8,928 | ||||
潰瘍性大腸炎 Ulcerative colitis | 4,549 | 117,855 | 15,688 | 133,543 | ||||
大動脈炎症候群 Aortitis syndrome | -134 | 5,438 | 391 | 5,829 | ||||
ビュルガー病 Burger's disease | -444 | 7,147 | 135 | 7,282 | ||||
天疱瘡 Pemphigus | 91 | 4,648 | 437 | 5,085 | ||||
脊髄小脳変性症 Spinocerebellar degeneration | 57 | 23,290 | 1,757 | 25,047 | ||||
クローン病 Crohn's disease | 761 | 31,652 | 3,069 | 34,721 | ||||
難治性の肝炎のうち劇症肝炎 Fulminant hepatitis of hepatitis refractory | -56 | 210 | 39 | 249 | ||||
悪性関節リウマチ Malignant rheumatoid arthritis | -158 | 5,891 | 411 | 6,302 | ||||
パーキンソン病関連疾患 Parkinson's disease-related diseases | 2,237 | 106,637 | 9,899 | 116,536 | ||||
1)進行性核上性麻痺 1) progressive supranuclear palsy | - - | - - | - - | - - | ||||
2)大脳皮質基底核変性症 2) corticobasal degeneration | - - | - - | - - | - - | ||||
3)パーキンソン病 3) Parkinson's disease | - - | - - | - - | - - | ||||
アミロイドーシス Amyloidosis | 86 | 1,505 | 231 | 1,736 | ||||
後縦靱帯骨化症 Posterior longitudinal ligament ossification | 356 | 29,647 | 2,396 | 32,043 | ||||
ハンチントン病 Huntington's disease | 2 | 798 | 48 | 846 | ||||
モヤモヤ病 Moyamoya disease (ウィリス動脈輪閉塞症) (Circle of Willis obstruction) | 107 | 12,992 | 1,473 | 14,465 | ||||
ウェゲナー肉芽腫症 Wegener's granulomatosis | 64 | 1,671 | 163 | 1,834 | ||||
特発性拡張型 Idiopathic dilated (うっ血型)心筋症 (Congestive type) cardiomyopathy | -11 | 22,123 | 2,263 | 24,386 | ||||
多系統萎縮症 Multiple system atrophy | -23 | 11,096 | 701 | 11,797 | ||||
1)線条体黒質変性症 1) striatonigral degeneration | - - | - - | - - | - - | ||||
2)オリーブ橋小脳萎縮症 2) olivopontocerebellar atrophy | - - | - - | - - | - - | ||||
3)シャイ・ドレーガー症候群 3) Shy-Drager syndrome | - - | - - | - - | - - | ||||
表皮水疱症 Epidermolysis bullosa (接合部型及び栄養障害型) (Malnutrition type and junctional) | -14 | 315 | 23 | 338 | ||||
膿疱性乾癬 Pustular psoriasis | 44 | 1,679 | 144 | 1,823 | ||||
広範脊柱管狭窄症 Extensive spinal canal stenosis | 232 | 4,218 | 523 | 4,741 | ||||
原発性胆汁性肝硬変 Primary biliary cirrhosis | 242 | 17,298 | 1,756 | 19,054 | ||||
重症急性膵炎 Severe acute pancreatitis | -53 | 1,132 | 455 | 1,587 | ||||
特発性大腿骨頭壊死症 Idiopathic femoral head necrosis | 160 | 13,476 | 1,204 | 14,680 | ||||
混合性結合組織病 Mixed connective tissue disease | 12 | 9,028 | 911 | 9,939 | ||||
原発性免疫不全症候群 Primary immunodeficiency syndrome | -15 | 1,147 | 139 | 1,286 | ||||
特発性間質性肺炎 Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia | 215 | 5,896 | 1,169 | 7,065 | ||||
網膜色素変性症 Retinitis pigmentosa | -656 | 25,296 | 1,638 | 26,934 | ||||
プリオン病 Prion disease | 68 | 492 | 14 | 506 | ||||
肺動脈性肺高血圧症 Pulmonary arterial hypertension | 288 | 1,560 | 409 | 1,969 | ||||
神経線維腫症 Neurofibromatosis | 122 | 3,112 | 302 | 3,414 | ||||
亜急性硬化性全脳炎 Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis | -8 | 87 | 4 | 91 | ||||
バッド・キアリ(Budd-Chiari)症候群 Budd-Chiari syndrome (Budd-Chiari) | -16 | 232 | 29 | 261 | ||||
慢性血栓塞栓性肺高血圧症 Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension | 183 | 1,288 | 302 | 1,590 | ||||
ライソゾーム病 Lysosomal storage disease (ファブリー(Fabry)病含む) (Fabry including (Fabry) disease) | 30 | 760 | 108 | 868 | ||||
副腎白質ジストロフィー Adrenoleukodystrophy | -3 | 173 | 14 | 187 | ||||
家族性高コレステロール血症 Familial hypercholesterolemia (ホモ接合体 ) (Homozygote) | - - | 120 | 21 | 141 | ||||
脊髄性筋萎縮症 Spinal muscular atrophy | - - | 514 | 105 | 619 | ||||
球脊髄性筋萎縮症 Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy | - - | 686 | 202 | 888 | ||||
慢性炎症性脱髄性多発神経炎 Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy | - - | 2,328 | 658 | 2,986 | ||||
肥大型心筋症 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy | - - | 2,239 | 540 | 2,779 | ||||
拘束型心筋症 Restrictive cardiomyopathy | - - | 18 | 8 | 26 | ||||
ミトコンドリア病 Mitochondrial diseases | - - | 764 | 181 | 945 | ||||
リンパ脈管筋腫症(LAM) Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) | - - | 335 | 104 | 439 | ||||
重症多形滲出性紅斑(急性期) Severe multiform exudative erythema (acute phase) | - - | 48 | 10 | 58 | ||||
黄色靱帯骨化症 Yellow ligament ossification | - - | 993 | 639 | 1,632 | ||||
間脳下垂体機能障害 Between pituitary gland dysfunction (PRL分泌異常症、 (PRL secretion disorders, ゴナドトロピン分泌異常症、 Gonadotropin secretion disorders, ADH分泌異常症、 ADH secretion disorders, 下垂体性TSH分泌異常症、 Pituitary TSH secretion disorders, クッシング病、 Cushing's disease, 先端巨大症、 Acromegaly, 下垂体機能低下症) Hypopituitarism) | - - | 11,764 | 3253 | 15,017 | ||||
合計 Total | 27,385 | 706,720 7 | 71,458 | 778,178 |
(Note) Due to the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake, Data of Fukushima and Miyagi is not included from April 2010 to March 2011
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とほぼ全ての「特定疾患(難病)」において「医療受給者証交付件数」が激増。 In almost all "specified intractable diseases, the number of issue for Special Medical Care Certificate.has been increased drastically.
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