Mari Takenouchi, a journalist and the blogger of Save Kids Japan & World Known as a Japanese single-mother journalist covered by Reporters Without Borders in 2014 on the criminal accusation case for a tweet. My twitter account is @mariscontact (under control and rarely gets retweeted) To order a new book by Mari Takenouchi and Dr. Bandazhevsky, send me an e-mail at Twitter: @mariscontact 私の主なブログは以下です!!ご覧ください!!! See my blogs below!! ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓


福島の甲状腺がんの子ども、壮絶な肺がん転移治療 (私の本のp157 から。ご注文はtakenouchimari@gmail.comまで)

私の3か国語の本『地震・福島・子どもの健康・チェルノブイリ森林火災』のp157 から。ご注文はtakenouchimari@gmail.comまでお願いします。1800円。もしくは でも購入可) 



Horrifying iodine-131 treatment for a child with lung metastasis of thyroid cancer




Among the children with thyroid cancer in Fukushima, more than 70% have lymph node metastases, and some children had even lung metastases. According to the writings of a medical doctor Akira Sugenoya, who engaged in medical support activities in Chernobyl, one in six children in Chernobyl had lung metastases.

在福的甲状腺癌儿童中,超70%有淋巴结转移,有些儿童甚至有肺部移。根据在切尔诺贝利从事医支持活的医生Akira Sugenoya的著作,在切尔诺贝利,每六个儿童中就有一个患有肺部移。



It was particularly painful for me when I learned about the iodine-131 treatment (isn’t there any better option?) for children with thyroid cancer that has already spread to the lungs in dozens of children in Fukushima. Patients undergoing treatment are said to be kept in concrete isolation wards for days on end, feeling sick and in agony. Even if they vomit, medical staff are not allowed to enter the ward and the patients themselves have to clean up the mess. He said that everything, including vomit, excrement, and towels used to wipe sweat, become radioactive waste! I think it is unacceptable to force even a single child to go through such a harsh experience.

当我了解到一名患有远处转移至肺部的甲状腺癌患儿接受碘131后(没有更好的选择吗?),我尤其受了害。福的数十名患儿中已种病。 受治的患者已在水泥隔离病房中待了好几天,感到不舒服和痛苦,即使呕吐,医也无法入,所以孩子必自己打扫卫生。 呕吐物,便和汗水擦干的所有毛巾都成放射性物。认为强迫一个孩子经历如此酷的经历也是不可接受的。


posted by ZUKUNASHI at 11:20| Comment(2) | 福島原発事故








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