years have passed since the accident at Reactor 4 at the Chernobyl nuclear
power plant, yet the seriousness of this event for all humanity is still of
concern. During the whole post-accident period, the nuclear lobby made many
efforts to weaken public interest in this event. First of all, emphasis was
made on the point that the tragedy had resulted in a small number of victims
that included only workers of the nuclear power plant and firefighters involved
in remedial actions to mitigate the consequences of the accident at the plant
(31 people) and those who were permanently living in the most contaminated
areas. It was concluded that the
total number of Chernobyl victims who would die of cancer and leukemia
throughout their life would be less than 4000 people [1]. Some attention was
also paid to migrants from reagions with very high soil cesium-137 contaminationlevels.
of official medicine had little interest in population living in areas with
Cs-137 contamination levels of less than 5 Ci/km2. Increased
morbidity and mortality among the population from the affected areas were not
taken into account. After all, small doses of radiation from radionuclides
incorporated into the body do not cause specific diseases. It is only possible
to point at thyroid cancer whose incidence has risen dramatically after the
Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident. Deaths of thousands of people in the
areas contaminated with radionuclides were considered to be caused by naturalcauses.
Cs-137汚染レベルが5 Ci / km2未満の地域に住む人々に対しては、公的医療関係者の関心はほとんど払われなかった。影響を受けた地域の住民の罹患率と死亡率の増加は考慮されていない。結論として、体内に取り込まれた放射性核種からの少量の放射線は、特定の病気を引き起こさないとされ、チェルノブイリ原子力発電所事故後に発生率が劇的に上昇した甲状腺がんを指摘することのみが可能となっている。放射性核種で汚染された地域で数千人が死亡したのは、自然原因によるものとされた。
findings showing that the entry of even relatively small amounts of Cs-137 into
the body caused serious damage to vital organs (Bandazhevsky Yu.I. et al.
1995-2019) were also ignored.
体内に比較的少量のCs-137が入っただけで重要な臓器に深刻な損傷が生じたことを示す科学的研究結果(Bandazhevsky Yu.I. et al.1995-2019)も無視された。
of all, one should mention cardiovascular diseases whose proportion in the
general morbidity and mortality has been very high. It is possible to link
heart and blood vessels damage to radiation exposure if radionuclides have been
determined in organs of dead people – inhabitants of the affected areas. This
was done at GomelState Medical Institute, which I had the
honor to be in charge of from the first days of its existence (November 1,
1990) until July 13, 1999- the day of my arrest. As a result of many years of work, radionuclide levels
had been determined in vital organs of dead children and adults - inhabitants
of the affected areas [2]; and we had found a relationship between damage to
the cellular structures of myocardium of children and adults and Cs-137 [3]. At
the same time, much attention was given to results of clinical laboratory
studies of children living in raions with different radiocaesium soil
contamination levels. Experimental studies on laboratory animals had showed
metabolic disorders in the heart and vital organs under conditions of the natural entry of radionuclides into the
As a
result of studies, cardiomyopathy induced by Cs-137 had been identified[5].
attention should be paid to congenital disorders being the best marker for
endogenous and exogenous distress in the mother- fetus system. Clinical
observations of dead human embryos and newborns and experimental studies on
laboratory animals had clearly showed the negative impact of incorporated
radionuclides on prenatal ontogeny [3, 6].
and necrobiotic changes in vital organs of dead embryos and newborns in the
presence of Cs-137 incorporation illustrate the negative impact of the ecosystem
established after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident in 1986. That was
what the nuclear lobby was afraid of. Viewing the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
accident as the largest among all accidents in the nuclear power industry, the
nuclear lobby representatives each time focus on minor, in their opinion,
humanitarian consequences relating to the health of people directly contacting
radionuclides in the affected territory. And in this regard, dead human embryos
with congenital malformations which I and my colleagues found in raions of
Gomel oblast, the most affected oblast due to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
accident [3], were the best evidence base for the adverse effects of the
existing radiation situation. My suspension from the position of Rector of
Gomel Medical Institute led to the termination of many unique research studies
dedicated to the effect of incorporated radionuclides on people living in a
territory affected by the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, including the
prenatal development. Our results show that Cs-137 incorporated naturally into
the mother-embryo system contributes to multifactorial congenital
malformations, i.e. malformations based on genetic defects [7].
Institute for Congenital and Hereditary Diseases, Ministry of Health of the
Republic of Belarus, directed by Prof. G. I. Lazjuk, Associate Member of the
National Academy of Sciences, also assessed the effect of a radiation factor
occurred as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident on the prenatal
development of human embryos. Gennady Ilyich established this unique Institute
back in Soviet times, and over the years, along with his highly qualified
students and colleagues he studied the morphologicalmanifestations (congenital defects) of human genetic disorders, also in
the context of consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident. The
Institute was closed down in the beginning of the 21st century, as the nuclear
lobby was afraid of results of its activities.
conducted at Gomel State Medical Institute allow to conclude that victims of
the Chernobyl disaster are people living in areas contaminated with
radionuclides and eating local foods, including “forest gifts”. The victims of
this disaster should also include people who regularly consume foods containing
radioactive elements of Chernobyl origin. Taking into account the fact that in
the Republic of Belarus foods produced in Chernobyl-affected areas and
containing huge amounts of radionuclides are sent to radiation-free areas since
Soviet times, the population of these areas, especially children, should be
considered as victims of the Chernobyl disaster.
every inhabitant of the Republic of Belarus has experienced radiation exposure
directly. So it is no surprise that there has been an increase in
cardiovascular diseases and cancers due to this, including among children of
the second post-Chernobyl generation.
is why the country’s leadership should have asked for serious humanitarian aid
and support of the world community in the 1990s and not refused it, as it was
done. A method of assessment of radiation doses received by the population and
individuals formed the basis for governmental decisions to render assistance to
the population with a view to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident. A
concept based on results of effects of external radiation exposure on humans
was used. The influence of incorporated radionuclides on separate organs and
systems was hardly considered. However, millions of people have suffered and
aresufferingcurrently because radioactive elements have been entering and are
entering their body causing damage to vital organs and systems. These people
are not recognized as victims of the Chernobyl disaster at the state level.
is the main problem of Chernobyl and its negative impact on human health in the
long term.
is proved by results of research studies conducted within humanitarian projects
of the European Commission and the Rhone- Alpes Regional Council (France) in
Ukraine in 2013-2017. A medical examination of the majority of the child
population was conducted using modern instrumental and laboratory diagnostic
methods in Ivankovsky and Polessky raions of Kiev oblast directly adjacent to
the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. The obligatory measurement of radionuclide
concentrations was also carried out. These children belong to the second
post-Chernobyl generation born and permanently living in the territories
contaminated with radioactive elements.
use of medical and genetic methods of examination allowed to identify serious
abnormalities in their body being the cause of metabolic disorders under
conditions of existing environmental distress (radionuclides in the ecosystem)
(Bandazhevsky Yu.I., Dubovaya N.F., 2015-2019). At the same time, a number of
discoveries were made with respect to metabolic associations, and the
metabolism of the pituitary and thyroid hormones, calcium and phosphorus, and
vitamins. At present, children and adults from these raions are being exposed
to radiation due to the consumption of locally produced foods and forest gifts.
It should be emphasised that
radioactive elements, primarily Sr-90, are contained in large quantitiesinforesttrees,whichovertimehaveturnedintopowerful
sources of radiation. It still represents a threat to human health to contact
with them many years after the Chernobyl nuclear power plantaccident.
was possible to show an increase in the level of homocysteine (a marker of the
metabolic distress in the body) in the blood of children after fires in the
Chernobyl Exclusion Zone [8].
elements spread far beyond the affected areas, therefore people that do not
officially belong to the group of the affected people but basically are those
people may be exposed to radiation.
recent years this issue is particularly topical because of forest fires in the
Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.
exposure also occurs during the use of wood containing radionuclides for
domestic needs (cooking, heating).
the same conditions of existing radiation exposure, metabolic changes in
children of the second post-Chernobyl generation are more pronounced compared
to their parents who belong to the first post-Chernobyl generation [9]. These
children are even more sensitive to the effects of small amounts of
radionuclides and they can be classified as victims of the Chernobyl disaster.
the existence of radiation in the environment as a result of the Chernobyl
disaster and its constant effect on humans suggests that there will be victims
of this disaster depending on the effect nature, duration and intensity and the
endogenous component (age, sex, genome, physiologicalcharacteristics).
the same time, the distance from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is not
decisive. The group of victims of the Chernobyl disaster should include persons
with congenital malformations at the organ, tissue and cellular levels, as well
as abnormal regulation of metabolism caused by radiation effect on the
processes of prenatal development of an embryo.
order to provide effective assistance to the population suffering from the
consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, it is necessary to
take into account the actual effects of incorporated radionuclides on human’s
vital organs and systems during all stages of antenatal and postnataldevelopment.
Bandazhevsky Yu.I., Lelevich V.V., Strelko V.V., Shilo V.V. et al.
Clinical and experimental aspects of the effect of incorporated radionuclides
upon the organism / Ed. by Yu.I. Bandazhevsky, V.V. Lelevich. Gomel, 1995. 128p.
Bandajevski Yu., Bandajevskaya G. Cardiomyopathies on cesium-137 // Cardinale.
2003. Vol. 15. № 8. P.40-42.
Бандажевский Ю.И., Дубовая Н.Ф., Бандажевская Г.С. и др. Чернобыль 25 лет:
инкорпорированные радионуклиды Cs-137 и здоровье людей / Под ред. проф. Ю. И.
Бандажевского. К. : Координационный аналитический центр «Экология издоровье».
2011. 156 c.
Бандажевский Ю.И., Дубовая Н.Ф. Последствия Чернобыльской катастрофы:
репродукция человека в условиях радиационного воздействия. К. : Координационный
аналитический центр «Экология и здоровье», 2011. 116с.
Bandazhevsky Yu.I., Dubovaya N.F. The state of folate metabolism and its link
with thyroid system in children after forest firesintheChornobylexclusionzone//Environment&Health.2019.
№ 2 (91). P. 10-16.
Bandazheuski Yu.I., Dubova N.F. Genetic polymorphisms and the level blood
homocysteine in children and their mothers from the areas affected by the
Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident // Pediatrics. Eastern Europe. 2017.
Vol. 5. № 2. P.130-139.
Translation from Russian to English: Dubovaya O.S. Translation from English to Japanese: Mari Takenouchi
A must watch film! English with Chinese subtitles "Nuclear Controversies" with Dr. Bandazhevsky
ゴメリ州立医科大学元学長、ユーリ・バンダジェフスキー教授、 後ろにいるのは盟友の故ヴァシーリ・ネステレンコVassily B. Nesterenko博士(ベラルーシ科学アカデミー原子力研究所元所長)