
Collaboration of ETHOS in Fukushima and France 福島のエートスの面々がパリで仏原子力ロビーと非公開セミナー!(仏在住ジャーナリストコリンコバヤシ氏より)


On March 11, 2014, the 3rd year after the Fukushima accident, a private seminar was held in Paris among members of Fukushima ETHOS and French nuclear lobbies.

This precious report was brought by Mr. Kolin Kobayashi, a freelance journalist living in France.


Below is the citation of the above with English translation and some notes by me.

Report from Paris: ETHOS Closed Seminar

Today is March 11, the third year after the East Japan Great Earthquake.  The sky in Paris was clear and people are enjoying an Indian summer. 
I am now in the International Railway Hall for a meeting. (Originally the premise was supposed to be at CAP 15, but it was changed at the last moment.)  Railway Hall is the place where Aichi Expo was decided and there was a rally by environmentalists who opposed to the Expo. 
Today, there was a closed seminar by IRSN (French Radiation Protection and Safety Research Center) and CEPN (Center for Nuclear Protection and Evaluation), both of which were founded by French nuclear lobby. 
The seminar was closed, but I went into the hall during the coffee break.  The hall was small with only 54 participants and they were listening to lectures very quietly like students.

エッフェル塔、パリ日本文化会館のあるすぐ脇の、国際鉄道会館(予定されていた会場CAP15が急に変更になった。ここは過日、愛知万博の開催が決定された場所で、そのとき、万博に反対の環境派の人たちがデモった場所でもある) で非公開に開催されたIRSN(仏放射能防護・安全研究所)とCEPN (核防護評価研究センター:仏原子力ロビーによって作られたNPO)によって開催された非公開セミナーだが、コーヒー・ブレークの隙を見計らって、闖入した。54人ほどの参加者が入るちいさなホールで、皆学生のように、おとなしく聞いている。

After listening to Mr. Jyunichiro Tada (Radiation Safety Forum), Mr. Jaque Lochard (director of CEPN) stood up.  Then my comrade Ms. I sitting at end row of the hall called out,
"Mr. Lochard!?  Are you Mr. Lochard?  You had conducted ETHOS in Chernobyl.  Now you are trying to do the same in Fukushima though there is no effective protection against radiation or no safety regarding radiation.  But you are advocating as if these things can be done.  You are like criminal, and all the participants here are accomplices."
しばらく多田順一郎センセ(放射線安全フォーラム)のお説を拝聴した後、ちょうど,ロシャール氏が立ち上がったところで、仲間のI女史が、 彼に向かって最後列から呼びかけた。
The hall was thrown into a commotion.  Mr. Jacque Lochard was approaching her.  Mr. Otsura Niwa, the co-host ran up to her, too. Mr. Niwa furiously said, "This is a closed-seminar.  You are allowed to be here only if you are quiet.  But if you make the meeting into a caos, please leave!"
Ms. Ryoko Ando, who she calls herself as "citizen activist" also hurried to the back of the hall. 
Seeing my face, she said,
"You are Mr. Kobayashi, aren't you?  How dare you wrote so much nonsense."  (Well, Ms. Ando seems to have read my book.)
"Ms. Ando, you have been doing various things, haven't you?  By the way, with whose money did you come to Paris this time?" I asked.
Ms. Ando glared at me saying, "I cannot answer to your question.  There is no need to answer to your question."  She seems to be a type of person who never show any slight compunction over her deeds.  That is why she could direct ETHOS in Fukushima...I was fully convinced.

We decided to stay a bit more and appreciated the lecture by Mr. Tada.  Hmmmm...people in the pro-nuclear side asset that radiation level can be lowered after decontamination.  They showed the data of Iidate village (one famous for high level contamination) map with much lowered radiation level after decontamination.


Map of Iidate village before and after decontamination work

Mr. Tada concluded that the reason why the socity is seeing some chaos is due to some anti-nuke people who raise different opinions, disseminating untruthful information, stressing the needs to have knowledgeable stakeholders.


As usual, pro-nuclear experts seem to convice and justify themselves through self-flattering explanation, which they never seem to make others understood.  They act as if they are on the right side and if their values are prevailed, everything can be solved.


I excused myself in the middle of the seminar for another appointment.


On her twitter, Ms. Ando shows off her sightseeing and eating delicious food in Paris.  This is the third year since the East Japan Great Earthquake and what she is doing seems to be quite disrespectful.


Most participants seemed to be experts and dedicated staff members from IRSN, which I think is a shameful organization.  Also attended were the staff from CEPN, OECD, ASN, and finally, Mr. Jacque Locard and Mr. Terry Schneidell.

(Translator's Note: The last two people visited Hiroshima in 2000 to talk about ETHOS in Belarus.  However, Ms. Ryoko Ando says that she came up with the idea of ETHOS by herself and even created the name ETHOS on her own!)

参加者の大半は、どうやらIRSNの研究者や専門職員のようだ。まったくあきれ果てた組織である。他に、CEPN, OECD, ASNの職員、そして、ロシャールせんせとシュネイデールせんせだ。


手記執筆 By コリン コバヤシ
Kolin Kobayashi

日本側の招待パネラー:Invited Japanese speakers

安東量子(エートス・イン・福島)Ms. Ryoko Ando (director, ETHOS in Fukushima)
* 安東氏についてはhttp://savekidsjapan.blogspot.jp/2014/02/ethos-leader-accused-takenouchi-of.html
 Please see Save Kids Japan; http://savekidsjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/01/rt-please-ethos-leader-accused.html

伴信彦(東京医療保健大学)Prof. Nobuhiko Ban (Tokyo Health Medical University)
*伴信彦氏については http://koukaishitsumon.blogspot.jp/2013/07/blog-post.html
Please see http://koukaishitsumon.blogspot.jp/2013/07/blog-post.html for Professor Ban.

早野龍五(東京大学)Prof.Ryugo Hayano (Tokyo University)
Please see for Professor Hayano.  http://koukaishitsumon.blogspot.jp/2013/01/blog-post_30.html

勝見五月(伊達市、前富成小学校校長)Mr. Satsuki Katsumi (Elementary school principal, Date)

黒田佑次郎(東大病院) Mr. Yujiro Kuroda (Tokyo University Hospital)

丹羽太貫(ICRP主委員会委員 京都大学名誉教授)Prof. Otsura Niwa (professor emeritus of Kyoto Univ, ICRP main committee member)

多田順一郎(放射線安全フォーラム)Mr. Jyunichiro Tada (Radiation Safety Forum)

The curruption prevailed among medical/academic societies is not a new story.  Please see below.


731部隊、広島長崎、チェルノブイリ、福島 Unit 731, Hiroshima/Nagasaki, Chernobyl, Fukushima


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